Welcome to my guestbook. Feel free to write me a message. I love reading your comments.
137 entries.
A huge thank you Jane for clearing the energies around my daughter. It's made a huge difference to her energy and behaviour and she's back to her happy confident bright self. I would thoroughly recommend Jane to anyone - she has a huge heart, is warm, genuine and open and makes a difference to the lives she touches!
A huge thank you Jane for clearing the energies around my daughter. It's made a huge difference to her energy and behaviour and she's back to her happy confident bright self. I would thoroughly recommend Jane to anyone - she has a huge heart, is warm, genuine and open and makes a difference to the lives she touches!... Collapse
I would like to thank you for the recent Angel Course that you ran. The day was really informative and the course content was really appropriate from the clearings, information about the angels, including my guardian angel, to the guided meditations. You are warm and down to earth, and you connect well with people and I have learnt so much about both myself and my guides. I have been using all that I have learnt and have found it useful. I am glad that you have been part of my journey. Thank you. Love and light
I would like to thank you for the recent Angel Course that you ran. The day was really informative and the course content was really appropriate from the clearings, information about the angels, including my guardian angel, to the guided meditations. You are warm and down to earth, and you connect well with people and I have learnt so much about both myself and my guides. I have been using all that I have learnt and have found it useful. I am glad that you have been part of my journey. Thank you. Love and light... Collapse
thank you so much for helping me, I feel so much better and cannot believe how much energy I have now! looking forward to seeing you all soon lots of love xxxxxxxxx
thank you so much for helping me, I feel so much better and cannot believe how much energy I have now! looking forward to seeing you all soon lots of love xxxxxxxxx... Collapse
Jane, It is wonderful to know you and many thanks for your help and wisdom in clearing our energies when we were recently "under attack". It is wonderful to have been able to contact you & thank you for your speedy and effective response. Bless you always x
It is wonderful to know you and many thanks for your help and wisdom in clearing our energies when we were recently "under attack".
It is wonderful to have been able to contact you & thank you for your speedy and effective response. Bless you always x... Collapse
It is wonderful to know you and many thanks for your help and wisdom in clearing our energies when we were recently "under attack".
It is wonderful to have been able to contact you & thank you for your speedy and effective response. Bless you always x... Collapse
Jane, you are one of lifes angels! I have not been very well for the last two and a half years and your name kept cropping up from various people. I came to see you and I have been amazed how much better I feel. You are such a wonderful, warm and gifted person. Thank you for giving me my life back. God bless, and much love Jill xx
Jane, you are one of lifes angels! I have not been very well for the last two and a half years and your name kept cropping up from various people. I came to see you and I have been amazed how much better I feel. You are such a wonderful, warm and gifted person. Thank you for giving me my life back. God bless, and much love Jill xx... Collapse
hi, I have to say that before healing I felt very anxious about everything, life was difficult for me, but after treatments with jane, I am able to face the fear, and i enjoy going out. I am going to get more treatments with jane. God bless all!
hi, I have to say that before healing I felt very anxious about everything, life was difficult for me, but after treatments with jane, I am able to face the fear, and i enjoy going out. I am going to get more treatments with jane. God bless all!... Collapse
Jane, Thank you so much for all the healing you have given me. You are a very gifted and genuine person who does so much for so many people. I know you devote much of your time to resting ghosts/trapped spirits and the fact that you confirmed that my parents are in Heaven is very comforting to me.
Jane, Thank you so much for all the healing you have given me. You are a very gifted and genuine person who does so much for so many people. I know you devote much of your time to resting ghosts/trapped spirits and the fact that you confirmed that my parents are in Heaven is very comforting to me.... Collapse
After receiving one of Jane's healing sessions, I always feel lighter and happier. Jane has amazing intuition and always knows what specifically needs healing, what questions to ask and always at the right time. Her treatments are very relaxing and natural and everything (spirits, emotions, blocks etc) that needs releasing occurs naturally.
After receiving one of Jane's healing sessions, I always feel lighter and happier. Jane has amazing intuition and always knows what specifically needs healing, what questions to ask and always at the right time. Her treatments are very relaxing and natural and everything (spirits, emotions, blocks etc) that needs releasing occurs naturally.... Collapse
Hi Jane, thanks for your kind words in my guestbook. I guess we are kindred spirits, looking at your website.. maybe I'll get to see the "red monkey" someday? Warm regards, Leon
Hi Jane, thanks for your kind words in my guestbook. I guess we are kindred spirits, looking at your website.. maybe I'll get to see the "red monkey" someday?
Warm regards, Leon... Collapse
Warm regards, Leon... Collapse
hi jane, thank you very much for your help, I feel much better after that great relaxing healing. It was nice new experience for me. Hope to speak to you soon. All the best...
hi jane, thank you very much for your help, I feel much better after that great relaxing healing. It was nice new experience for me. Hope to speak to you soon. All the best...... Collapse
What a great way to spend my birthday, thanks for the wonderful experience Jane.. very relaxing and intriguing. Slept like a log last night!
What a great way to spend my birthday, thanks for the wonderful experience Jane.. very relaxing and intriguing. Slept like a log last night!... Collapse
hi, must say it was a good experience, an eye opener and quite intriguing. I have been sleeping better and feeling better overall. Would definitely want to see you again.
hi, must say it was a good experience, an eye opener and quite intriguing. I have been sleeping better and feeling better overall. Would definitely want to see you again.... Collapse
Having damaged a tendon in my foot before Christmas, and it still causing considerable pain I decided to book an appointment with my GP to see if he could help. On getting up this morning after the usual hobbling to the bathroom I realised that I could walk and flex my foot without much discomfort. I decided that it was so much improved that I did not need to visit the GP. It was not until I checked my emails that I saw un-beknown to me that my wife had asked Jane to do some healing on me. Jane had replied in her email that she had done some healing late the previous evening. All I can say is a big thank you.
Having damaged a tendon in my foot before Christmas, and it still causing considerable pain I decided to book an appointment with my GP to see if he could help. On getting up this morning after the usual hobbling to the bathroom I realised that I could walk and flex my foot without much discomfort. I decided that it was so much improved that I did not need to visit the GP. It was not until I checked my emails that I saw un-beknown to me that my wife had asked Jane to do some healing on me. Jane had replied in her email that she had done some healing late the previous evening. All I can say is a big thank you.... Collapse
I just wanted to express my gratitude to you Jane for helping me out with my son, Tom. Since your help in clearing his earthbound friends he is a different child. It is wonderful to think that one day he may develop his psychic abilities but until that day it is good to know that he can just be an ordinary 10 year old! Thankyou so much once again you are wonderful!
I just wanted to express my gratitude to you Jane for helping me out with my son, Tom. Since your help in clearing his earthbound friends he is a different child. It is wonderful to think that one day he may develop his psychic abilities but until that day it is good to know that he can just be an ordinary 10 year old! Thankyou so much once again you are wonderful!... Collapse
After going to an Angel meeting with a friend where Jane turned to me and said I feel you have a heavy heart, I returned some months later for a Reiki session to see if some of my thoughts, feelings and fears could be alieviated. I have to say that I feel like I've grown about 3 inches taller since and I'm more 'in line' and balanced. The restfulness I felt after she had released nearly 400 spirits was evident in my smile as I left her house. I think everyone needs a bit of 'me time' and this was my rest from the outside world for an hour or so. I get the impression that even if you don't really understand it all that Jane is a special person and I would recommend her service. I now feel I should go again because I find myself wanting to know more about guides, crystals and spirits, she has intrigued me.
After going to an Angel meeting with a friend where Jane turned to me and said I feel you have a heavy heart, I returned some months later for a Reiki session to see if some of my thoughts, feelings and fears could be alieviated. I have to say that I feel like I've grown about 3 inches taller since and I'm more 'in line' and balanced. The restfulness I felt after she had released nearly 400 spirits was evident in my smile as I left her house. I think everyone needs a bit of 'me time' and this was my rest from the outside world for an hour or so. I get the impression that even if you don't really understand it all that Jane is a special person and I would recommend her service. I now feel I should go again because I find myself wanting to know more about guides, crystals and spirits, she has intrigued me.... Collapse
Thanks so much for clearing the spirits/ghosts from my house. As you know they were causing a lot of disruption with their 'antics' but since you helped them to go, our home is lovely and quiet again! Good luck with all your work and your books. Best wishes, Jo
Thanks so much for clearing the spirits/ghosts from my house. As you know they were causing a lot of disruption with their 'antics' but since you helped them to go, our home is lovely and quiet again! Good luck with all your work and your books.
Best wishes, Jo... Collapse
Best wishes, Jo... Collapse
Jane, Thanks for all the support you've given me. Until your clearings, I seemed to worry about all sorts of matters which was a real burden! I now feel so much more confident and am enjoying life to the full. You're the "genuine article" Jane and I'm most grateful to you.
Thanks for all the support you've given me. Until your clearings, I seemed to worry about all sorts of matters which was a real burden! I now feel so much more confident and am enjoying life to the full. You're the "genuine article" Jane and I'm most grateful to you.... Collapse
Thanks for all the support you've given me. Until your clearings, I seemed to worry about all sorts of matters which was a real burden! I now feel so much more confident and am enjoying life to the full. You're the "genuine article" Jane and I'm most grateful to you.... Collapse
Hi Jane, another great session with lots of clearing. Feeling a lot better now, thanks. The regression information was a real 'eye opener' (you'll know what I'm refering to) Thanks for your email explaining it all in more detail, it's amazing stuff and I know it's all linked to the present. A definite pattern has emerged and I'm looking into what you've described and will no doubt catch up with you soon. Thanks again John
Hi Jane, another great session with lots of clearing. Feeling a lot better now, thanks. The regression information was a real 'eye opener' (you'll know what I'm refering to) Thanks for your email explaining it all in more detail, it's amazing stuff and I know it's all linked to the present.
A definite pattern has emerged and I'm looking into what you've described and will no doubt catch up with you soon.
Thanks again
John... Collapse
A definite pattern has emerged and I'm looking into what you've described and will no doubt catch up with you soon.
Thanks again
John... Collapse
I asked for Janes help as since I moved into my new home I have felt very uncomfortable and have had recurring illnesses along with regular panic attacks, I knew that something wasn't quite right in the house as when on my own a feeling of doom and dread would come over me. I contacted Jane as I knew she would be able to help. Jane dowsed the house and me and removed 108 spirits 3 of which were'nt pleasant. Since Jane sent the spirits off to the spirit world, I haven't had an attack and the house feels much calmer hence me feeling calmer. I'd like to send a big thankyou to Jane for helping me and I'm looking forward to my reiki session in the New Year, thanks again Helen
I asked for Janes help as since I moved into my new home I have felt very uncomfortable and have had recurring illnesses along with regular panic attacks, I knew that something wasn't quite right in the house as when on my own a feeling of doom and dread would come over me. I contacted Jane as I knew she would be able to help. Jane dowsed the house and me and removed 108 spirits 3 of which were'nt pleasant. Since Jane sent the spirits off to the spirit world, I haven't had an attack and the house feels much calmer hence me feeling calmer. I'd like to send a big thankyou to Jane for helping me and I'm looking forward to my reiki session in the New Year, thanks again
Helen... Collapse
Helen... Collapse
An up-date on my Fox-Terrier's eye problem. Jane has continued healing and the cyst appears much smaller. Both Daisy's eyes are bright and clear and her eye no longer "clogs up" ! Again, thank you Jane!
An up-date on my Fox-Terrier's eye problem. Jane has continued healing and the cyst appears much smaller. Both Daisy's eyes are bright and clear and her eye no longer "clogs up" ! Again, thank you Jane!... Collapse